“Fashion needs to prove to men that it’s not scary”- David Gandy in discussion with Hilary Alexander

On Wednesday 24th July, many members of the ever-evolving fashion industry gathered at the Condé Nast College of fashion and design, to listen to the world’s only male supermodel, David Gandy, talk about fashion. In discussion with celebrated fashion luminary, Hilary Alexander, Gandy covered his career to date, offering insights into the male modelling industry, and his vision for the future of menswear.
“I didn’t aspire to be in the fashion industry,” Gandy claimed, “I hate having my picture taken.” The Adonis, who fell into the industry by chance, revealed that he had never had a personal stylist. He also told us: “One of the best things about my job is the other opportunities it has allowed me to do too, like pursue my love of cars.”
The event was exclusively organised for fashion’s premier members club, The Industry, with everyone from designer, William Tempest, Harold Tillman, Michael Hertz, celebrity stylist, Rebecca Roy, and fashion author, Lauren Goldstein Crowe, in attendance.
The much lusted-after model is also a regular blogger for vogue.co.uk, and he also reviews cars for GQ.com. Gandy explained how he sees other industries, including football and motorsport, becoming increasingly important to the menswear market. “I like to bring a tangible element into fashion. The person who buys male fashion is the man on the street, so why alienate him? When I turned up to London Collections: Men, I turned up in a classic car. It’s a very simple thing – men like cars. Fashion needs to prove to men that it’s not scary.”
His love for cars aside, when it comes to his daily job, Gandy explained that he looks up to females the most, naming Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss as his heroes. “Modelling is the only industry in the world where the women get paid more than the men. My dad finds this hilarious.” He then went on to explain: “When I first came into modelling, they had a team; they had a strategy. Cindy Crawford is the one that expanded outside of the fashion industry, and of course, Kate. Kate is a brand. When I say Kate, you know I mean Kate Moss.”
So what’s next on the cards for David Gandy? Like the aforementioned supers, Cindy and Kate, David said he has plans to build an empire. “I’d love to be behind the camera, or the creative director of a clothing line.” We look forward to it!
Marium Ul-Haq