It is perhaps a haphazard comparison, but Cédric Khan’s true courtroom drama, The Goldman...
Aden (Nabhaan Rizwan) is a fledgling actor in London struggling to land any roles in...
When reading the logline for Anand Tucker’s new yarn, one can’t help but think about...
British director James Watkins (The Woman in Black) returns to the getaway horror scenario of...
Surfing may seem the most innocuous of pastimes, but there is a dark side to...
After he’s released from prison for manslaughter, Lang (Eddie Peng) returns to his hometown, which...
Growing up in a working-class corner of Sweden, three sisters, Laura (Bianca Delbravo),...
Alexandre Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo is one of French literature’s great...
When Sarita’s (Karen Martínez) sister doesn’t come home after a night out in writer-director...