Lynnja Wang introduces her Chinese-inspired S/S 2014 collection

Lynnja Wang’s latest spring/summer set is a chic and stylish fashion range that offers stunning and quirky designs full of fresh colours and unique shapes.
After studying at London College of Fashion, Lynnja Wang worked for numerous fashion labels such as Anna Sui and Matthew Williamson, where she gained relevant experience and knowledge of the fashion industry. In 2011 the Chinese-born designer launched her own label and two years on is releasing her S/S 2014 fashion line.
Describing her style as “quirky chic”, Wang covers both of these adjectives in her most recent fashion reveal and also uses her heritage as inspiration to produce a stunning and sleek collection.
Wang has often stated that fabric plays an important part in the both the design process and this time around it is no different. Inspired by the strokes and patterns of Chinese radicals and the calligraphy from this particular country, Wang creates beautifully fluid pieces with twists and turns aplenty.
With the calligraphy, each piece is created before the ink is removed from the paper, a swift movement that leaves a beautiful mark and Wang uses a similar process in her designing. Many of the clothing articles come to life without lifting the fabric away from the surface; a great deal of draping, over-lapping and pattern-cutting is then involved to create these chic and fashion-forward pieces.
The colour choices range from bold black and elegant white to eye-catching turquoise and royal purple. The patterns Wang uses also reflect the soft fluidity of the designs and the Chinese calligraphy with delicate strokes of colour and bursts of white peeking through the deeper shades.
Each fashion piece is a stand-out item that will fit perfectly into your wardrobe and work for every season either as a summer staple or winter layer.
Emily-Rose Vierke
Be sure to head over to the Lynnja Wang website to check out the full collection plus many more.