Sean Jackson at Camden Head Sunday Sessions

Occasionally an open mic session showcases a gem. Last night at the Camden Head Sunday Sessions we were treated to a stand-out performance from 27-year-old musician-songwriter Sean Jackson, originally hailing from Grimsby. Come to London to seek his musical fortune, he impressed with his gently self-deprecating humour, immediate stage presence and quirky songs.
Influenced by the likes of Johnny Cash, Nile Rogers and Stevie Ray Vaughn, his set was energetic and heartfelt, with a country edge and toe-tapping rhythm. A drummer since the age of four and having toured Europe with previous bands for the past ten years, he’s evidently skilled and knows his way around the stage. Striking out alone, but keen to build a band of musicians around him, it was clear that Jackson has the drive to succeed, debuting new tracks in front of the attentive audience with gusto.
Keeping slightly overwhelmed eye contact with his riveted crowd, he enchanted with witty lyrics and an easy charm. Play Them Tunes is upbeat, with tongue-in-cheek lyrics and a real sense of fun. From Out the Blue is more emotional, romantic almost and wistful – Jackson’s voice is reminiscent of Willy Mason, husky and sincere. His rapport with his crowd was amusing and casual; here’s a guy that doesn’t take himself too seriously, and he’s all the better for it. He closed his set with I Hope the Sun Will Come Around, another brilliant song with so much potential.
With a crowd that couldn’t take their eyes off him, and a set that will make you smile and jig along, Sean Jackson could be a hit, in the business and with the ladies. Endearing, engaging and uniquely talented, find him at Carnaby Street O’Neill’s every Thursday and Saturday. You won’t regret it.
Georgia Mizen
For further information and future events visit Sean Jackson’s website here.