112 Weddings

112 Weddings is a touching reunion of the ins and outs of “the most magical day” and the philosophies of married life learnt as time goes by. The movie takes a hindsight view of marriage and addresses issues of relationships, past family, future family, future lifestyle and of course, pre-wedding jitters.
“Over the years I’ve seen first-hand what goes into getting married. Now I’d like to see what goes into staying married.”
Born from a side job to fund his documentaries, Doug Block has created a sly yet tasteful glimpse into modern marriage. Shot as a chick-flick for the reality age, 112 Weddings is a collaboration of the many beautiful moments expected from the big day, and the realities and rather more forced moments of joy. The couples’ results range from the ideal finishing-each-others-sentences expected on a wedding day to those who are putting on a brave face, those who have faced trials designed to test marriage and those who threw in the towel. Tears from couples hitting all these categories reflect an honesty that is probably never addressed in their relationships without Doug’s camera. Such honesty can actually take a brutal stab at such a fairytale-esque subject.
With so many couples getting nostalgic, if nothing else was achieved, you can guess a few sparks were reignited because of the film.
All in all the film acts as a reminder that marriage can be everything you wish it to be, only it won’t be easy and it will require patience and commitment. It comes down to this: if you work at it, it will be worth it.
Laura Maxwell
112 Weddings is released nationwide on 13th June 2014.
Watch the trailer for 112 Weddings here: