Disney bounding: dress up for fashionistas

Who of us didn’t dream of being their favourite Disney character as a child? Some people never grow out of their Disney phase and instead it becomes a lifelong love affair with as many trips to Disneyland as they can manage. Unfortunately, Disneyland prohibits fancy dress over a certain age so riding Space Mountain in your Elsa dress is out of the question. But of course nobody gets in the way of a Disney fan and their happily ever after, so they get around this problem through Disney bounding: dressing as Disney characters in a subtle way.
Sounds intriguing? Your best place to get a good idea of Disney Bounding is over at the Disneybound Tumblr or Instagram, run by Leslie Kay. Here, she shares outfit inspirations and creations by fellow Disney bounders. It is truly a magical place.
“I’ve always had a passion for the imaginary, magical and slightly bizarre – so I enjoy getting lost in the world of Disney,” Leslie explains on her website. A self confessed fashion lover, she came up with the idea of creating outfits based on Disney characters with her own clothes as a child. With her website she wants to help inspire people to create their own outfits.
Disney bounding is a wonderful way to get creative with your wardrobe and bringing a little magic into your daily life. The fun is finding clothes that will suit your character and deciding how obvious you want your outfit to be. Do you want to be the envy of every small child in your neighbourhood or do you only want the hardcore Disney fans to be able to tell who you are?
So if you’re stuck for outfit inspiration: get out your old DVDs and settle in for an old-fashioned Disney marathon.
Sally Wijers