BU21 at Theatre 503

Set in a dystopian London, in the aftermath of a terrorist attack on a plane, BU21 at Theatre 503 tells the story of five young people who were all affected by the tragic event in one way or another. One young woman has suffered severe burns while another has lost her mother, a young banker discovered that his girlfriend was cheating on him when her body was found together with his best friend’s. But amongst the stories of those directly affected are also the narratives of those indirectly involved: a young girl who was forced to watch a passenger of the airplane die in her garden, a lorry driver who was mistaken for a hero, becoming a successful media icon.The survivors’ tales unfold bit by bit over the course of the play, which is set up in the form of self-help sessions. Gradually the audience comes to know more about the ramifications of the attack, and the deep psychological scars left on all of the characters.
But amongst the stories of those directly affected are also the narratives of those indirectly involved: a young girl who was forced to watch a passenger of the airplane die in her garden, a lorry driver who was mistaken for a hero, becoming a successful media icon.The survivors’ tales unfold bit by bit over the course of the play, which is set up in the form of self-help sessions. Gradually the audience comes to know more about the ramifications of the attack, and the deep psychological scars left on all of the characters.
All of the monologues that the actors recount in BU21 are strikingly real, shocking and even heartbreaking at times. All actors bloom in their roles and embody their characters perfectly. The dialogue is snappy and at some points surprisingly funny despite the tragic subject matter. Stuart Slade has truly managed to encompass all of the facets that such an attack brings, and has created a haunting piece that in the light of current events, will stay with the audience beyond the one-and-a-half-hour running time.
Luisa Kapp
BU21 is on at 503 Theatre from 15th March until 9th April 2016 for further information or to book visit here.