What kind of Barbarian are you?

Do you think you’ve got what it takes to take on Attila the Hun? How about Spartacus, or Boudicca, whose courage and bravery is the stuff of legend. The heroes portrayed in History’s latest docudrama, Barbarians Rising, have some fearsome reputations and were leaders that have gone down in history as Rome’s greatest enemies. But how would you match up?
Fortunately you can find out, thanks to the Become a Barbarian quiz, which asks appropriate questions such as “There’s dissent amongst your ranks and a captain issues a formal leadership challenge against you. How do you handle it?” to determine what kind of barbarian you’d have been in a previous life. After answering the questions, you’ll get your own custom barbarian name, title and stats that you can compare to the characters from Barbarians Rising.
You’ll be able to see if you’re stronger than Spartacus, who led his band of rebellious gladiators to freedom and created one of the greatest rebel crises in the history of the Roman Empire. Or you may be braver than Boudicca, who led her Celtic tribe into open rebellion against the occupying might of Rome. Your answers in the quiz will score you points in bravery, cunning, leadership and strength.
So, take the test and find out what kind of barbarian you are. Can you defeat Hannibal of Carthage, who commanded the respect of the entire Roman Empire despite being one of their greatest foes? His leadership and cunning led to him crossing the Alps in one of the ambitious tactical moves ever made, so it won’t be any easy feat.
Take the quiz using this link and then let us know what you scored in the comments. See how you compare to the men and women portrayed in Barbarians Rising. Don’t forget to check out the documentary which is airing now too. For more details, see History’s Barbarians Rising page.
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