Get rid of dry skin with secrets ingredients in your kitchen

Having a flawless, soft and glowing face and body is a dream. Every one religiously follows some or the other beauty regimen but somehow winds up feeling exhausted. Undoubtedly some treatments work wonders but they are too costly to use it on a regular basis. So how about using secret ingredients from the kitchen that will not only give you younger looking skin but will also save your money? Dry skin can be due to various reasons from lifestyle choices to change in weather or health of the person. Especially when a person crosses the age of thirty it becomes even more tedious to take care of the skin and cease the ageing process. So what are the natural options available?
Extra virgin olive oil
Yes! Olive oil is not just an oil that is used to lose weight or balance cholesterol level. It can work wonders on skin whether you simply massage it on the skin or add brown sugar and apply the paste. If you are worried about cost then checkout, try and look for vouchers to get a discount.
Ever thought that milk can be much more than just calcium? The lactic acid in the milk helps to soften the skin and relieves the itchy, patchy and dry skin. Not only this if mixed with few drops of lemon and rose water, but it will also help to lighten the skin tone. It also acts as a moisturizer and as a quick beauty treatment dab a ball of cotton in cold milk and apply it on the face but make sure to clean the face before applying it. It will give baby soft skin and glow.
Coconut oil
Age old remedy that works wonder. All you need to do is warm the oil and apply it after a shower. It easily gets absorbed and makes the skin soft. If you are worried about spoiling work clothes then don’t worry as you can use it at night and the best part it does not smell.
Honey paste
Make a paste using honey and olive oil to make your skin look great. It has antioxidant properties that will naturally heal the patches and give a smooth glowing skin.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera gel is undisputedly the best remedy for the dry and flaky skin. No need to do anything just apply the gel for 15 minutes and take shower, its antimicrobial, antiseptic and antifungal properties will do the magic.
Often we forget that our kitchen is the storehouse of best of the ingredients provided by nature. These can not only be used to make food delicious but has multiple benefits and can make life easy if used with proper awareness. Apart from the above-mentioned products almond oil, yoghurt, turmeric, cucumber, egg, etc are some of the unused products that hold the secret to beautiful and youthful skin. So don’t fret on the sight of dry skin or patch and just go to your kitchen.
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