Patrick premiere: On the red carpet with the film’s cast, crew and scene-stealing pug

There is something about pets starring in movies that seems to melt everyone’s heart. The Walt Disney team know this only too well: their latest feel-good summer picture has an unruly little pug as its protagonist, and this fact in itself is likely to win over many a cinema-goer. Patrick is the story of Sarah, a teacher who can hardly take care of herself and who struggles to control her students as well as find a life partner. When she inherits a trouble-making dog from her grandmother, her life becomes even messier.
The Patrick premiere took place in an exclusive London garden and there were as many celebrities in attendance as there were little pugs running around. We caught up with the cast and crew and found out what they enjoyed most about working on such a lighthearted movie.
Director Mandie Fletcher shared her views about comedy and the secret to making people laugh, while writer and producer Vanessa Davies spoke about what inspired the idea in the first place.
We also heard from star Beattie Edmondson and her co-protagonist Tom Bennett, as well as fellow cast members Cherie Lunghi and Patricia Potter, about the joys of working with dogs. And we even got a chat with the leading pooch himself, along with his trainer.
TV personality Gok Wan also spoke to us about his own personal experience with dogs.
While the film received mixed reviews, it will likely hit the spot for all romantic comedy fans who go weak at the knees at the sight of cute animals, especially when they are pugs in leading roles.
Mersa Auda
Videos: Filippo L’Astorina
Patrick is released nationwide on 29th June 2018. Read our review here.
Watch the trailer for Patrick here: