How to use the remaining ten minutes at work

The day has only 24 hours, and no innovations in science or technology can change this point. That is why we are forced to seek creative ways of completing all the tasks on our to-do lists. People say “time is money”. Perhaps time management should be incorporated into mainstream coursework at higher institutions of learning as a compulsory study. Suppose you are asked “how did you spend your day?” or “have you evaluated how you use your time?” The questions might seem simple, but be beware that managing yourself plays a central role in determining your success in every sphere of life. You should take a keen interest in this article because these are some of the best ways to spend your last ten minutes before leaving the office.
Update your to-do list
A lot of people rush to accomplish everything they didn’t manage to do during the final ten minutes at work. I hope you are not one of them. Utilise this moment to check and see if you have completed your tasks, and then develop a clear plan for tomorrow. There are tools that can help you to plan wisely so that all of your objectives, activities, and tasks can be easily accomplished and organised.
Postpone non-urgent meetings
The moment you get to the final ten minutes of your workday, your energy is usually depleted. Meetings conducted when you are tired are not productive. Take this moment to reschedule your meetings for tomorrow when your energy and concentration are optimum.
Don’t answer emails or calls involving work at home
A true break from work means not answering emails and calls from work. Set an auto response that says you will be answering calls and emails tomorrow. Failure to do this will make you answer emails during your private time. In some professions, especially in the government and military, it’s illegal to use private means to communicate official matters.
Reflect on your activities
Deliberately identifying your achievements will boost your happiness and morale. Also, identify any challenges experienced, if any, and then develop a strategy to overcome them. Especially, if you are a student who’s working part-time, visit custom writing service and relieve yourself from the troubles of completing an essay after a hard working day. By now you have learned that you should take ten minutes to accomplish a significant obligation.
Say goodbye to your colleagues
A friendly goodbye will help you to build rapport with your colleagues but do it quietly so that you don’t disturb those who are busy.
Organise your desk
Empty disposable cubs, waste papers, and file memos. Have a clean desk policy for yourself.
Read or watch something that thrills your mind
The remaining ten minutes need to be pleasant to put you in the right mood to come home to your loved ones. Carrying office emotions home is bad. You can watch a YouTube clip, comedy sketch or something interesting.
Avoid leaving the office before you deliver what you promised a colleague or client; you will disappoint them. Take these remaining moments to evaluate how you spent your final ten minutes at work and check if there is anything undone.
The way you use your time at work can determine future success. At the end of today, pick one or more of the activities listed above and execute. You will be fascinated by the results. Confusion at work is the result of ignorance. Be smart, things will never be the same again if you chose to apply these concepts.
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