Transformers – Rise of the Beasts: On the red carpet with Dominique Fishback, Anthony Ramos and Tobe Nwigwe

Hitting the big screen this week is the seventh instalment in the live-action Transformers movie series. Any worries about franchise fatigue are quickly quashed with Steven Caple Jr’s Rise of the Beasts: it’s an unexpected triumph, delivering on equal parts action and heart, flawless visuals that feel unfalteringly tangible, gritty NYC vibes that contrast appealingly with epic Peruvian landscapes, plus killer turns from Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback, all set against a banging 90s hiphop soundtrack.
By taking the story back in time for a prequel of sorts, Caple Jr has brought us into a nostalgic premillennial era and opened up space for new characters and storylines, while staying true to what has come before. Disentangling the intricacies of how this narrative fits into the grander one might be no easy task but, for most viewers, such details will become secondary after they are swept up in the genuinely affecting storylines of its human characters. Noah and Elena here given heroic status not for machismo and sex appeal, but for being driven by family loyalty and brains. And despite the onslaught of CGI-laden scenes, the retro look given to the Autobots, and creature-like nature of beast robot Maximals, who they must combine forces with, allows the audience to remain invested. Overall, it’s a rollercoaster of action and emotional arcs that sneaks in social commentary about those needing to battle the odds in order to survive.
The Upcoming were thrilled to be invited down for the full-throttle red carpet premiere, where no expense was spared in bringing the high-octane world of the Transformers to Leicester Square. We heard from Fishback about what fans can expect from the latest film, her bond with fellow star Ramos (both born and bred Brooklyn), and the fun they had on-set despite some gruelling long shoots.
We also heard from rapper Tobe Nwigwe about his debut acting role as Reek in the movie, the brilliance of Ramos and the banter between their two characters, as well as how he felt to be the only independent artist be nominated for Best New Act at the Grammys this year.
Ramos spoke passionately at the thrilling ride audiences can expect from this latest installment in the franchise.
Producers Mark Vahradian and Lorenzo di Bonaventura than shared some insight into the making of the movie and what they wanted to achieve with this reboot.
Sarah Bradbury
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is released nationwide on 8th June 2023. Read our review here.
Watch the trailer for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts here: