Evolution Mallorca 2023: Erik Messerschmidt on the power of cinematography

At this year’s Evolution Mallorca Film Festival we sat down with director of photography Erik Messerschmidt to discuss the importance of visual storytelling. Holding the Cinematography Icon Award to his name, presented at the opening gala, he spoke passionately about the artistry behind the lens, advocating for the recognition of cinematography as its own distinct form of art.
He offered insights into his instinctive approach, where he prioritises intuitive camera and the role of narrative over conventional lighting methods. For Messerschmidt, each project is an invitation to reinvent, to sidestep the familiar, and he cherishes opportunities to collaborate with visionary directors who dare to steer him into uncharted waters.
Independent cinema holds a special place in his heart, as he sees a burgeoning appetite amongst audiences for innovative narratives. To him, the indie scene is not just a niche but the lifeblood of the cinematic craft. A glance over his illustrious career reveals the pride he takes in his crew, likening them to family; a dedicated band of artists he’s proud to team up with, project after project. And while he’s eager to share tidbits about recent films like The Killer and Ferrari, it’s the festival line-up that has genuinely captivated his attention.
The Upcoming had the pleasure of speaking to him about his career. Messerschmidt shared advice to newcomers in the industry, the value of hands-on experience and forging one’s unique visual language. This is a rare journey into the work of a cinematographer who is making an impact in the world of film.
Ezelle Alblas
Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival 2023 took place from 18th to 24th October 2023. For further information visit here.