One of the most anticipated titles of the autumn is undoubtedly the sequel to Todd...
The A24 logo at the start of director Aaron Schimberg’s film is a promising sign....
Will Ferrell is best known for his energetic comedic performances in the likes of Anchorman,...
Francis Ford Coppola has spent more than 40 years and an estimated $120 million of...
Following her Hollywood debut (the Netflix production The Unforgivable), director Nora Fingscheidt...
Will Ferrell is best known for his energetic comedic performances in the likes of Anchorman,...
It’s a well-known fact that institutions associated with the Catholic Church have been responsible...
Beautifully touching, His Three Daughters is a story of family reunions, biological versus...
There’s a certain gloom that underscores Girls Will Be Girls, Shuchi Talati’s debut...
In an infamous scene from Fleabag, Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s character professes she would trade...
Kate Winslet has been having a much-welcome renaissance in recent years. As an uncompromising actress...
The Queen Of My Dreams is the vibrant and energetic feature debut from Fawzia Mizra....
When we first meet John and Mary (Jared Harris and Juliet Stevenson, respectively), they are...
When reading the logline for Anand Tucker’s new yarn, one can’t help but think about...