The secret style: How, when, who, what and where

Let us introduce you to the secret style of a fellow friend and dressed-to-kill fashion stylist Biher Tewelde. We decided to assemble an interview and ask her questions that every girl thinks of when it comes to fashion and beauty!
How does the way you dress define you?
Biher Tewelde: I dress differently every day; I can be a girly girl one day and be a tomboy the next. I love changing my looks depending on how I feel that morning. But I mostly wear the boyish look; it’s what I’m really comfortable in.
When you go shopping do you look for the next new thing or do you stick to what you’re comfortable with?
Because I work in a retail store, it’s like you have to know the upcoming trends and looks for the season, but really I’m so late when it comes to that. I just buy what catches my eye, whether it’s old or new season.
Who inspires you when it comes to style/fashion at the moment?
Right now I am inspired by Axl Rose from Guns N’ Roses. That guy created many great signature looks. His style inspires me because of how laid back he is when it comes to his clothes, and I like to dress in a sense of that. I just tend to give my clothes a little feminine twist.
What is your holy grail when it comes to make-up and beauty?
Well firstly it has to be my Matte Revlon Really Red and No7 Love Red Lipstick. I carry about six different lipstick colours in my bag; I’m obsessed! When it comes to beauty I make sure to have an avocado face mask every night as it gives my skin deep cleansing and works wonders on dry skin, leaving you feeling refreshed.
And finally “where” do you go when it hits pay day?
Topshop. They just have everything I pretty much want. If only I could buy the whole store!
Bety Abbey
Photos: Bety Abbey and Senait Kidane
A huge thanks to Biher for collaborating with us on our Secret Style piece. You can check out her blog by clicking here. It’s overflowing with more of her fashion secrets!