Is social media aiding or hindering your job search?

Whether or not social media is helpful in seeking employment is an open debate with two very well rounded and truthful arguments. Despite the ongoing debate, recruiting statistics have shown that 73 per cent of 18 to 34-year-olds found their last job through a social network.
In addition, it was reported that a massive 89 per cent of employers said that they have hired someone through LinkedIn which takes the lead as the most popular social media site in which to find employment. But does social media help the process along or does it do more bad than good?
Advantages of social media
Many online websites can help you in your job search and may even lead to full-time employment. Social media sites can do the same as it gives employers the opportunity to get a clearer idea of who you are as a person instead of just taking a look at your resume to determine if you are right for the job or not. You don’t have to register with every single social media site on the web, just the major ones is enough. LinkedIn is particularly useful in aiding the job search quest, followed closely behind by Facebook and Twitter.
Expanding your network with social media can really enhance the likelihood of employment. It is important that you present yourself in the best way possible. Social media can help you to connect with useful contacts that could help you to bag the job you have been looking for. Make sure that your social media site outlines the type of job you are looking for as this will improve the chance of an employer asking to see your resume.
According to Forbes: “Studies have shown that 92 per cent of companies are using social media for hiring and that three out of four hiring managers will check out a candidate’s social profiles.” Remember that you are branding yourself which means that a consistent professional online appearance is very important when seeking employment.
One of the best aspects of using social media to find a job is the fact that it makes the research process a whole lot easier. You can easily keep updated with job opportunities that will be of interest to you, as well as keeping up with your industry’s latest news. Read plenty of tweets or Facebook and LinkedIn posts related to your area of interest as you never know when you will come across the perfect job opportunity.
Social media hindrances
Although there are plenty of ways in which social media can help you find a job, there are also many ways that it can hinder your job search. Many people think that too much personal information is available via social media which means it could possibly take away or distract potential employers from your professional appearance.
An inappropriate profile picture could also be enough reason for an employer to look elsewhere. Make sure your picture is decent and presents yourself in the best way possible; avoid using one that may give an employer a negative first impression of you.
There have been many instances when an employee has taken to their social media site to post a ranting status or complaint about their employer or the company that they work for, often leading to job termination. Employers could use what you post to judge you as a person and to decide if you are right or not for the position. A negative or inappropriate comment could result in your chances of finding a job being dramatically decreased.
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