Top ten books for fashion and beauty lovers

True lovers let fashion and beauty penetrate every element of their life – so why should the literature you read be any different? There comes a time at the end of every month when your reading material runs dry flicking through the pages of every monthly, and this is where books come in. If you’re looking to indulge yourself in beautiful imagery, read an intelligent point of view, or hear about a particular designer then there is definitely a one out there to suit you.
Whether you’re a fashion fanatic, or you’re just looking to learn a bit more, here are our picks of books to fill your shelf with.
The Fashion Book
Let’s start with the basics, The Fashion Book, is basically the who’s who of fashion. Containing all the names, brands and terminology you need to know in bitesize A-Z pages, it is essentially the dictionary of the fashion world. Available in either the hard backed, coffee table-style, or a smaller pocket sized-version ensuring there is an option that will suit your needs. Perfect for beginners.
The Fashion Book (Paperback) by Alice Mackrell, Beth Hancock and Caroline Kinneberg, available at Waterstones, £6.49
Why Fashion Matters
Next time someone tries to tell you fashion is flouncy and holds no significance in the modern world (come on, we’ve all heard it), whip out this book and tell them what’s what. Why Fashion Matters is a conscious series by Head of London College of Fashion, Frances Corner, each entry tells the story of how fashion effects your life.
Why Fashion Matters by Frances Corner, available at Waterstones, £9.95
Face Paint: The Story of Make-Up
One of the best make-up artists in the game, Lisa Eldridge, paints the faces of the world’s biggest stars. Already producing content on YouTube and Instagram, Eldridge looks back on the history of make-up and the coding of what make-up means.
Face Paint: The Story of Make-Up by Lisa Eldridge, Abrams, available at WHSmith, £18.99
Lottie Tomlinson’s Rainbow Roots: #MAKEUPBYME
Younger sister of One Direction member Louis and mentored by Bleach London’s very own Lou Teasdale, Lottie Tomlinson brings her bold style to the pages of this book. If you love bright, bold or neon make-up, then let yourself be guided by Lottie’s 40 tutorials.
Lottie Tomlinson’s Rainbow Roots: #MAKEUPBYME, by Lottie Tomlinson, available at Amazon, £7.82
The Sartorialist
Before Instagram popped up as the place to go for street style snaps, Scott Schuman had his blog The Sartorialist. Still one of the most popular blogs on the web, Shuman started off documenting the outfits on the streets of New York. His book is a collection of all the best shots from all over the world – a great coffee table book.
The Sartorialist, by Scott Schuman, available at Amazon, £19.99
With one of the world’s most iconic faces, Alexa Chung’s style is adored and copied by the masses. Her book, IT which came out in 2014, is now a Top Ten Bestseller – just as successful as the majority of other things she does. A collection of her writing, doodles and photographs, it is an intimate look into the icon’s mind, in a witty, but poignant style.
IT, by Alexa Chung, available at WHSmith, £13.60
How To Be Parisian
Brought to you by four actual Parisians – including Caroline De Maigret, one of the coolest women on Instagram – deconstructing the culture, fashion and attitudes of proper Parisians. If you’ve been trying to nail the effortlessly cool style of a French woman then consider this your new bible.
How To Be Parisian Wherever You Are, by Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, Caroline de Maigret and Sophie Mas, available at Waterstones, £12.99
Grace: The American Vogue Years
Grace Coddington is distinctly recognisable from both her name and her mass of bright orange hair. Creative Director at American Vogue for many years, she is responsible for some of the most iconic fashion stories and images at the magazine for the last fifteen years. This book is the third and final in the series and is a collation of some of the best shoots.
Grace: The American Vogue Years, by Grace Coddington, available at Phaidon, £125
Pretty Iconic: A Personal Look at the Beauty Products That Changed The World
Sali Hughes, journalist and make-up extraordinaire, brings a book that is packed full of the all the must haves and must use, perfect for any makeup maven. Revealing the lengths of her longstanding relationship with Chanel No.5 and NARS’ Orgasm Blusher, she fills the pages with tips and tricks, and added supplements of the history of each product. A useful, fascinating and poignant read.
Pretty Iconic: A Personal Look at the Beauty Products That Changed The World, Sali Hughes, available at Book Depository, £16.50
YouTube sensations and founders of Real Techniques, Face covers all bases from lips, to eyes. Trained make-up artists, best friends and sisters, they will teach you all the basics and some. Buy this copy from Boots and you’ll be treated to a Real Techniques brush.
Face, by Pixiwoo, available at Boots, £20.00
Eleanor Oaten