Jen Cloher at Tufnell Park Dome

Two elements beautifully dominated Jen Cloher’s London performance: the vocals and guitar. The Australian songwriter was accompanied onstage at the Tufnell Park Dome by Courtney Barnett, Bones Sloane and Jen Sholakis. Touring her eponymous fourth album, the singer offered a splendid night of rock, bursting with folk and 80s vibes, where poetry and vibrant music were seamlessly fused.
The lyrics of the new songs are intense, exploring the emotional and introspective themes of love and looking back to the artist’s matriarchal origin.
Starting with the more understated Regional Echo, Cloher reached the best point in the middle of their show. After a swaying rendition of Sensory Memory – featuring more country nuances – the musicians’ vibrant performance of Analysis Paralysis delivered a wonderful exaltation of the vocals. Another highlight which showcased the band’s great potential was Stone Age Brain: singing together with Barnett and Sloane, the frontwoman shifted smoothly from melodic to husky, flaunting the wide spectrum of her voice.
The Dome was already filled with energy when Cloher took a moment to greet the audience just before Great Australian Bite, which proved to be a special act in the show. Acknowledging her age and the long way travelled from the opposite hemisphere to the London venue – as well as around the world – the singer was sympathetic to all those who had never been able to make it to such a level of success. Its title a play on the Great Australian Bight, the song was an ode to all those who have left their home country in search of success, and who now feel the distance keenly.
Widely requested by the crowd, Strong Woman couldn’t possibly be omitted from the setlist. The popular track closed the first part of the show, leaving the fans on a vigorous and inspiring note. As with all of the songs from the new album, the lyrics were very evocative, touching on politics, pride and romanticism.
Picking up the acoustic guitar, Cloher then delivered an emotional Hold My Hand. The softer tone and poignant words made this the most finely tuned moment of the night. Last, but certainly not least, the singer provided an impressive rocking finale with a memorable performance of Name in Lights.
Cristiana Ferrauti
Photos: Filippo L’Astorina
For further information and future events visit Jen Cloher’s website here.
Watch the video for Strong Woman here: