A Livestream with David Bedella at Crazy Coqs Online

As no one can go anywhere, what better way to spend an evening than in the company of three-time Olivier award-winning actor David Bedella? Best known for his work on the West End stage, it is strange to see him in an intimate setting, away from the crowds and almost in the living room. The new year does not bring much new, but Bedella’s performance definitely does – in fact, it is his first solo performance in 15 years.
As soon as the husky baritone rings out from in front of Crazy Coq’s red curtain, the audience is thoroughly warmed up and ready to go. With just the piano accompaniment of musical director Steve Clark, viewers are taken on a show tunes journey. As the evening progresses it’s obvious that Bedella can command any room with only his voice – he even takes a seat for New York State of Mind. The classic number is instantly familiar, with camerawork that perfectly captures the true passion of the performance. Clark really gets lost in the songs, looking as though he’s enjoying himself as much as the audience.
99 Miles from LA is the perfect interlude: the soft piano brings listeners back to a simpler time, and not just before 2020. Other musicians bring the guitars and drums, courtesy of backing tracks on an iPod, and the host even gets up to dance. Down on My Knees is a new but nonetheless natural genre direction, a country song complemented with photos of the singer in a cowboy hat. The versatility of Bedella’s voice is impressive.
The star talks openly about his Mexican heritage to segue into Too Close for Comfort, with a full, invisible brass section. Then, in celebration of David Bowie’s birthday, the audience is treated to Bedella’s rendition of Life on Mars; his voice is haunting, especially on the questioning long note. There is music and conversation and conversation mixed with music in Something Better than This, where he stays true to his theatrical roots and thinks aloud what we are all thinking: there must be something better than this. Another tribute comes in the form of Song on the Sand / I Won’t Send Roses for Jerry Herman.
The short performance ends, leaving its audience to do other things (if they had other things to do) – but at least now they have the return of & Juliet to look forward to.
Regan Harle
A Livestream with David Bedella was at Crazy Coqs Online on 9th January 2021. For further information visit the theatre’s website here.