Keir Smith

  • Uncategorised
    Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

    A sense of childlike excitement is born when terms such as...

  • Uncategorised
    They Came Together

    It seemed as though the age of cinematic parody had come and gone in recent...

  • Uncategorised
    Drunktown’s Finest

    With the name Drunktown’s Finest one would be excused for believing this...

  • Uncategorised

    Some films grip the viewer by the throat from the first minute and don’t let go...

  • Live music
    Grieves at Oslo Hackney

    Grieves has amassed a cult following over the years since releasing his debut album...

  • Live music
    Howler at Hackney Oslo

    Around this time three years ago, Howler were seemingly the darlings of the UK indie...

  • Movie
    The Quiet Ones

    Is it fair that the term horror only conjures up negative connotations in modern cinema?...