Set on the planet of Cybertron, Transformers One follows Orion Pax (Chris Hemsworth) and D-16...
The second season of this prequel to The Hobbit and The Lord...
The directorial debut of Daina O Pusić, Tuesday follows the titular Tuesday (Lola Petticrew), a...
Set in a fictional northern town, The Jetty follows recently-widowed constable Ember Manning (Jenna...
This latest instalment in the Despicable Me series follows former-villain-turned-secret-agent Gru...
Kill follows army commando Amrit (Lakshya), who boards a train bound for New Delhi to...
The fourth instalment in the Beverly Hills Cop series, released more than 30 years...
Based on the series of books from Tony DiTerlizzi, WondLa follows Eva (Jeanine Mason), a young...
The fourth instalment in the Bad Boys series, Bad Boys: Ride or Die sees the...
Set in the summer of 1991, Snack Shack follows AJ (Conor Sherry) and Moose (Gabriel...