Sting tells the story of 12-year-old Charlotte (Alyla Browne), a rebellious young girl who finds...
The Garfield Movie (not to be confused with 2004’s Garfield: The Movie) stars Chris Pratt...
A theatrical adaptation of the 2001 Miyazaki film, Spirited Away tells the...
Abigail follows a group of six criminals who kidnap the titular Abigail (Alisha Weir), taking...
Emma Westernberg’s Bleeding Love stars real-life father and daughter duo Ewan McGregor and...
Sugar stars Colin Farrell as the titular John Sugar, an American private eye hired by...
The Regime stars Kate Winslet as Elena Vernham, the chancellor of an unnamed European autocracy....
Set in 18th-century England, Renegade Nell follows the titular Nell Jackson (Louisa Harland), who...
House of Ninjas follows the Tawaras, a family of ninjas – the last family of...
Alice & Jack charts the rocky romance between the titular Alice (Andrea Riseborough) and...