Be pleasantly surprised by the assorted vintage finds of eclectic shock

Louise Pringle is a unique jewellery designer, specialising in reinvented vintage and up-cycled unique designs. Each creation comes with a certificate to prove its authentication so every piece is like a little gift to yourself.
Unlike most online jewellery stores, there is not only a selection of jewellery to choose from (including bracelets, necklaces, brooches and earrings) but repair services, so if you have that special piece from eclectic shock but it needs a bit of a facelift, or perhaps restringing, then this is the place to go with a reasonable £10 fee, definitely cheaper than jeweller repairs in the high street.
Other sub-categories include Scottish Collection, Hand Made Finds (which is always interesting) and there is even a bridal range.
Vintage Watches is one category that caught our eye. Each watch is one of a kind so you won’t ever have to get irritated when that friend turns up with the same one asking to be twins. It brings out that irrational reaction in us all. This watch is our favourite and for £1 extra you can even purchase a gift card with a little message to be included in the gift box: so cute.
After browsing the online store for what seems like hours, we also came to the conclusion that Fabulous Finds is like delving into a treasure chest; the vintage Dutch compact mirror is seriously worth having in your pocket for a mere £8.95.
If you want to opt for something completely unusual then go for this vintage brooch. What a stunning piece of jewellery, we’re surprised it hasn’t already been sold.
To join the rest of this exciting jewellery hunt visit the website here.
Collette Hagan