Seven TV shows to look forward to this autumn

The temperature is dropping so it’s time to snuggle up warm in front of your old friend the television. And luckily you will have a lot to look forward to this season. Let’s get you started straight away with these seven shows.
Stranger Things 2
Stranger Things was arguably the hit Netflix show of 2016. If you are anything like us you spent two nights binging the whole season and then at least three nights either not sleeping or sleeping with a night light on. And, of course, like everybody else in the world you were not ready to let go of this nostalgic 80s world just yet. Thankfully, Stranger Things 2 will be hitting our screens on 27th October so if you were hoping for a spoopy Halloween weekend you are in luck! If the poster is anything to go on the kids are going to have a lot to deal with this season
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (season five)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine is back this autumn with it’s fifth season. As usual we left the Nine-Nine on quite the cliffhanger but the show is known to restore status quo quicker than it takes Hitchcock and Scully to finish their lunch. We expect to get back to Jake and Captain Holt’s excellent chemistry and Sergeant Jeffords mother henning the Nine-Nine in no time.
Jane the Virgin (season four)
Whether you are into telenovelas or not, Jane the Virgin is an absolute gem. There is so much to love about this show: the leading ladies, their well developed relationships, the humour, the romance and let’s not forget about the narrator. Over the past three seasons we saw Jane grow from a fresh faced graduate into a strong working mother. Season four starts on 13th October and we couldn’t be more excited to continue following Jane in a new chapter of her life.
There are some comedy duos out there where just hearing their names being billed together is enough to get you hype: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and, in this case, David Mitchell and Robert Webb. From cult classic and endlessly quotable Peep Show to the hilarious sketches from That Mitchell and Webb Look, Webb and Mitchell are a match made in heaven. In their new series we follow Stephen (Mitchell) who has just inherited his deceased father’s pub when Andrew (Webb) shows up saying he was briefly fostered by Stephen’s parents. Stephen doesn’t remember Andrew but nobody from his small village seems perplexed by this. It has us hooked, check out this six episode series out on Channel 4 now.
So, Dynasty, is back. Yep, this 80s classic is being rebooted for the 21st century. Maybe you remember your parents watching this soap opera or perhaps you were obsessed with the endless reruns yourself. If you want to know if there is still room for the soap opera in 2017 you don’t want to miss the 11th October premiere.
Future Man
A time travel action comedy starring Josh Hutcherson from Seth Rogen and the team behind This Is the End. Do you need much more convincing to give this show a try? The action packed, Back to the Future referencing trailer might help. In Future Man Hutcherson plays the down on his luck Josh Futturman who gets recruited through a video game to travel through time and save the future. The show premieres on Hulu on 14th November.
The Good Place (season two)
The Good Place is one of those shows that is really hard to describe without alienating people or spoiling the whole premise for them. Suffice to say that The Good Place is a close up comedy following a small cast. Much of the drama and comedy of the show is self contained and driven by the dynamics and interaction of the cast. Stars Kristen Bell and Ted Danson are a joy to watch and Jameela Jamil shines in her first acting role. Season one offered some amazing set up so now it’s up to season two to live up to it.
Sally Wijers