Originally from France, Constance Ayrton obtained a History of Art degree from Cambridge University. She has worked at Christie’s, Sotheby’s, and ArtCurial (Paris). Currently, she serves as the Manager of the Leo Junek Art Collection. She enjoys going to the opera, fine wine and discovering the best of London’s vibrant cultural scene. To stay updated, follow her on Instagram constance_ayrton.
La Traviata remains the epitome of classic opera – set against the...
Naomi: In Fashion marks a notable departure in the fashion exhibition...
The Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition has returned with its...
We’ve all been watching Netflix’s Ripley, inspired...
The Design Museum’s retrospective on Enzo Mari is a captivating homage...
Underdog: The Other Other Brontë, now gracing the...
“I want to give you your dignity”. So says Nye Bevan (Michael Sheen), staring...
In the face of significant turmoil and internal conflict,...