Films that are based on old American television shows are nothing new. The A-Team, Starsky...
Delicacy is the feature directorial debut of French novelist David...
It rarely happens to leave a screening room on a brisk weekday afternoon with an...
As of 7th March 2012, 1,231 individuals have been executed in the state of Texas....
Andrew Stanton’s John Carter hasn’t had the best...
In a peaceful and quiet rural village, the angry and weed-smoking grunge teen Elfie Hopkins is looking for some adventure. Since her mother was ‘accidentally’ shot during a hunt, Elfie’s mission has been to uncover anything suspicious around the village as she attempts to make up for her failure in solving her...
Insisting that this is now his fourth major feature film following V...
In the fleeting digital age we live in, it often seems that the “novelty factor”...
A very optimistic entrepreneur, now in charge of a dilapidated hotel, adds the words “best” and “exotic” to the once simply named Marigold Hotel… Sonny, played by Dev Patel, makes it his life ambition to make a success out of himself and hopefully out of the hotel too. Cue six very different...
You wouldn’t be wrong in saying that Adam Deacon is fast becoming one of the...