Directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor, who also stars as the titular protagonist’s father, Rob Peace is...
Growing up in a working-class corner of Sweden, three sisters, Laura (Bianca Delbravo),...
Alexandre Dumas’s The Count of Monte Cristo is one of French literature’s great...
Surfing may seem the most innocuous of pastimes, but there is a dark side to...
50 years on from its original debut, Rocky Horror Show returns again, not...
What would be the fun in a play that goes to plan? Hardly ever has...
La Traviata remains the epitome of classic opera – set against the...
An unknown presence knows more than the other characters,...
This September, Istanbul’s only two Michelin-starred...
Mirazur, the multi-awarded restaurant...
Inception Group will open a new bar,...
The Electric Brixton is positively sweltering tonight, heaving with The Lemon...
Mirazur, the multi-awarded restaurant...
It’s incredible just how many hits Scottish group Texas have put out. They’ve been...
An unknown presence knows more than the other characters,...
Despite its romanticisation in successive decades, the 1960s was far from kind to women....
Madrid-based singer-songwriters Carlotta Cosials and Ana Perrote have been a dynamic duo...
“We’re just like Macbeth and Lady Macbeth because we’ve got into a...
The day before his wedding, an anxious and doubt-ridden Frank...
Fat Dog burst onto the scene with their debut single only eight months before now,...
Directed by Chiwetel Ejiofor, who also stars as the titular protagonist’s father, Rob Peace is...