The Sharks present Dodgy Gold Teeth #2 – Fractures

A month has passed since the first Dodgy Gold Teeth event and The Dentist was once again dressed to impress for its deranged, frenzied second night of rock ‘n’ roll. This time it was South London band Fractures’ turn, and they brought frolics and rock n’ roll antics to augment the wicked atmosphere of the already haunted den.
Support band The Sharks were the first to take the stage, igniting the excited crowd waiting in their infamous bedroom with top tune Bad Boy, followed by incredibly catchy hits Wasters, Girls, Girls, Girls, and South Of The River (the latter two from their recently released EP South Of The River). True punks of Brixton, The Sharks have all it takes to host a night of inflammable rock music, presiding over it with an untamed demeanor. With energy, grit and the right amount of lunacy, they are a band to keep an eye on.
The strike of midnight saw Fractures catch everybody’s attention, leading to an unbelievably crammed room, its occupants spellbound the moment the band started to play. Suede-ish infectious tunes, heart-felt lyrics, charming looks: Fractures are born rock stars. They kept the utterly enthralled crowd moving throughout their set, which included best known singles Nicotine and Ride, as well as the beautiful, painfully resonating Brixton Animal. There’s a sort of mystic aura surrounding them that filters through the air and touches the audience without them noticing. When they played their recent single, Strangelove, the room went completely mental.
When Fractures left the stage, all that was left behind was a sensation of having witnessed something unforgettable. This is what happens when truly great bands join together to bring to the outside world all the confusion and beauty they hide inside.
The Dentist’s nights never fail to leave an enduring trace on underground rock ‘n’ roll panorama.
Eleonora Ricotta
Photos: Juliette Ikss
For further information about Fractures click here, and for The Sharks click here.
Watch Fractures’ video for Alone here: